Friday, July 31, 2009
What Legends Are Made Of By: Heather Beck
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Socrates In Love By: Kazumi Kazui
Author: Kazumi Kazui
Publisher: Shojo Beat
Amount of Volumes in Series: 1
Amount of Pages: approx 200
Geared Towards: Older Teens
Extra Info: This manga was adapted from the story by Kyoichi Katayama.
Summary: Sakutaro Matsumoto and Aki Hirose had been friends everysince they were paired up as Class Reps in middle school. Aki is a very shy girl, but when she is around Sakutaro, who she lovingly calls Saku-Chan, she becomes very outgoing.
After Aki's favorite teacher dies, and she opens up herself to Saku-Chan, Saku finds that his feelings for Aki aren't friendship but more towards love.
They spend many memorable times together, but without warning, Aki falls ill with lukemia, and this sweetly/funny manga turns to bittersweet. Saku wants them to have just one more moment; a moment in Australia.
Wdebo's Review: I first heard about this manga from Diana's review of it. This manga was bittersweet, but amazing at the same time.
This manga, just twisted my feelings all over the place. The first part of the manga was all happy and silly, showing the friendship blosom between Saku and Aki. Then it gets sweet, when Saku finds out how much he loved Aki, and confesses. Finally, it makes you super melancholy after Aki is diagnosed with lukemia.
I knew exactly what was going to happen in the end, she dies, since it said it in the very first page of the manga, yet, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. Well, I actually did, because I was riding the train, so I think I might have scared the riders around me if I started bawling, but I did get teary eyed, so I had to set the book down, from time to time to make sure I didn't cry.
I loved all of the characters, well mostly just Saku and Aki, cuz all the other characters aren't all that developed. Saku is so awkward and shy and sweet to Aki, and Aki is just adorable. So, I guess that's why it hurt so much when she died, you see her go from this upbeat girl then all of a sudden you see her on her deadbed, and Saku's tears just made me teary-eyed.
The storyline totally made me think about A Walk to Remember, guy falls in love with girl, girl dies, guy is heart broken. Except what's diffrent is *Spoiler Alert* Saku gets married to another girl, which is diffrent from A Walk to Remember, cuz he never gets married, since he's already married to Jamie. I wonder what it would be like to be the girl Saku gets married to. What would I do if I knew that my husband who I love deeply is in love with a dead girl, he might love me, but most of his heart is given to the dead girl. I think it's sweet how she understands so well, and still loves him so whole heartedly. That my friends, is true love. *Spoiler Ended*
In the manga, there was an excerpt for the english translated version of the novel. I read it, and it was yucky, the writing felt more like it was geared towards elementry school students, yet you know it isn't cuz what happens in the story. I seriously wish I could read Japanese, because this story is a bestseller in Japan, so it much be a lot better then the english version. A lot of times, the translated version just isn't as good as the original one.
All in all, an amazing manga, for those who don't mind heartbreak, in the midst of happiness. Even though I am a total comedy/romance manga lover, I immensly enjoyed this manga, and I hope you will too!!
Grade: A
Wdebo :)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Waiting On Wednesday : 2

This was brought to you by Jill at Breaking the Spine.
So this week's book is....
Secret Society By: Tom Dolby
Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone. . . .
An eccentric new girl. A brooding socialite. The scion of one of New York's wealthiest families. A promising filmmaker. As students at the exclusive Chadwick School, Phoebe, Lauren, Nick, and Patch already live in a world most teenagers only dream about.
They didn't ask to be Society members. But when three of them receive a mysterious text message promising success and fame beyond belief, they say yes to everything—even to the harrowing initiation ceremony in a gritty warehouse downtown and to the ankh-shaped tattoo they're forced to get on the nape of their necks. Once they're part of the Society, things begin falling into place for them. Week after week, their ambitions are fulfilled. It's all perfect—until a body is found in Central Park with no distinguishing marks except for an ankh-shaped tattoo.
Tom Dolby makes his teen fiction debut with this riveting novel about a dangerous society so secret that once you get in, you can never get out.
Why I Want to Read This: These old socialite stories seem to be the next hot YA book topic. And this book is totally The Luxe. And I really need to read something that is very Luxe like before it comes out, or else I will explode! [I want to read the last one so badly!]
Also, I think the cover is really pretty, and I think it's cool that a guy is writing on a book type like this.
Release Date: September 29, 2009
What books are you waiting for?
Wdebo :)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Cool Contest-Power to the five year old!!!
The Get Pink'd Pink Lip Deluxe Sampler from Sephora (an $80 value)
So here's my fav's by the awesome...The Compulsive Reader!!
Now, go my little buddies and join this contest!!
Oh yeah about the title...she's letting her five year old pick!!! Coolio huh?
Wdebo :)
Pure By: Terra Elan McVoy
Author: Terra Elan McVoy
Amount of Pages: 331
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publishing Year: 2009
Geared Towards: Teens/PPL who want to read about religion [mainly Christianity]
Wdebo's Review (From Front Flap):
Tabitha and her four best friends all wear purity rings, symbols of the virginity-until-marriage pledge they made years ago. Now Tab is fifteen, and her ring has come to mean so much more. It's a symbol of who she is and of what she believes-a reminder of her promises to herself and her bond to her friends.
But when Tab meets a boy whose kisses make her knees go weak, everything suddenly seems a lot more complicated. Tab's best friend, Morgan, is far from supportive, and for the first time, Tabitha is force to keep secrets from the one person with whom she's always shared everything. When one of those secrets breaks to the surface, Tab finds herself at the center of an unthinkable betrayal that splits her friends apart. As Tab's entire world comes crashing down around her, she's forced to re-examine her friends, her faith, and what exactly it means to be pure.
Wdebo's Review: Hm, this was a pretty cute book and flows pretty well, though it was a nice read, I would just give/consider this book with an averege rating.
The whole story's idea is mainly centered around religion and what we really believe/questioning what we believe. Mainly on the idea of purity rings. This story idea was a good one, very original, but I personally don't believe in purity rings. I think if you believe in something, you don't need something materialistic to show you believe in something...having your belief is enough.
I was not very happy with Tabitha, she and her friends were very materialistic and melodramatic. She went home just because her friend was having problems that she made personal, even though it had nothing to do with her!!! :O It finally took her 242 pages to find out just how melodramtic she was during this whole book. (I never thought I would be so proud of a character).
Her BFF, Morgan, was a total self-centered B during the beginning of the story, she tunes it down just a scrunch at the very end, but not a lot. I thought all the other girls were ok, just annoying sometimes.
The cover is cute, the cherry and hand on the pink background is very elegant yet simple, quite eyecatching. But, is it just me, or does the hand model's hand look very old? That was annoying me for a while.
Also, I totally have to talk about Jake, Jake is WAY too perfect, it's scary. He's cute and he's a lacrosse player and he is cool with purity rings and he helps solve girl problems. Seriously, too perfect ppl are way scary...
All in all, a cutesy read, perfect for those who are steeped in the Christian religion and want to understand more about this certain aspect of their religion or just for normal, nonreligious ppl (like me!) who need an easy/light read.
Grade: B
Wdebo :)
Copy Won From PulseIt~
Monday, July 27, 2009
Cafe Chit Chat: Simone Elkeles
W: Turqoise is just so pretty! Do you have an author that you really admire?
W: Yeah, go Judy Blume!! And John Green is such a great author also, love his books!!! Do you enjoy watching movies if so, do you have a movie you absolutely cannot stop watching?
W: Haha I do love the ending a lot more! How has your own cultural identity, as the daughter and wife of an Israeli immigrant to the US inspire you to write about clashes in culture and how teens deal with these differences?
I’ve always lived with someone who was born and raised in another country. People had pre-conceived notions about who I was because I had an Israeli father. Even in my adult life, I had my neighbors say they didn’t invite me over for the first year because they were afraid we were too different – now we’re all friends and laugh about it. I had to deal with culture clashes my entire life (and still do!). I’m fascinated with different cultures and how they mesh, especially when it comes to romances.
W: I know, that's so true. Which character, that you have written about, can you relate the most to?
W: Amy is one of my fav characters, she is so quirky, real, and just plain funny. Do you base your characters on anyone in your real life?
W: Haha that's so cool! Do you have any future book projects?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Morgue and Me By: John C. Ford
Author: John C. Ford
Amount of Pages: 313
Publisher: Penguin Group
Publishing Year: 2009
Geared Towards: Mystery Lovers
Summary [From Front Flap]: Christopher didn't plan to work in the morgue this summer. And discovering a murder cover-up-along with a high stakes blackmail ring-wasn't mentioned in the job description.
But that's exactly what happend, and now Christopher has to decide what to do. Normally he'd call the cops-he's smart enough to know he's in over his head. Except the sheriff is Christopher's prime suspect. And they've already had one unfortunate run-in with each other. Instead, he joins forces with a young newspaper reporter who becomes the sidekick to Christopher's private eye. But solving a crime is almost impossible, especially when your overprotective parents are breathing down your neck, your best friend is acting even more suspicous than usual, and your little brother has disappeared.
Wdebo's Review: I read on a few websites that said this book was a YA, but I seriously took this book as an adult book, it just felt more adult-y then YA-y.
However it did not diminish my liking for this book.
The prologue was really well done, it started with this mystery that makes you go, wait WHY did he shot someone and why is he so calm about it? The writing, tho on a serious topic, was written in a humorously sarcastic manner, so it was pretty enjoyable to read. Actually, the whole book was written like that, there was always a way to make even the most serious, and heart pounding moments, funny in some way.
I liked Chris, he was a good character, he was headstrong and knew exactly what he wanted and how he was going to get it.
There were a lot of twists and turns, so there would be one gasp moment then it would go down that road and once you begin to get bored walking down it, another gasp moment comes and then it keeps going until it gets boring, then etc etc. I love guessing endings for mysteries, and I'm usually right, but this ending was a total surprise to me, totally didn't see it, good job!!
The cover, hm, I can do without, though it does show wat the story is about, but I try to stay away from bloody handprints as much as I can.
All in all, a great mystery for murder mystery lovers and regular mystery lovers alike and for everyone in between.
Grade: A-
Wdebo :)
Thanks to John Ford for hosting the contest that I won/signing my copy!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Be With You- Akon ft. Wilber Pan
I think it sounds really good check it out!!
Here is a clip from Yu Le Bai Fen Bai...Where Akon and Wilber are in Japan recording their song...the beginning is in Chinese, cuz they're describing it, then Will and Akon talk to each other in eng, and Akon has a little bit of an obsession with the Chinese Puppet lol.
Wdebo :)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Contest: Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd
Hey everyone!! Yeah, I have another contest for you all!!! I am so excited to read this book, cuz, come on, it has like EVERYONE!! Holly Black, Libba Bray, Lisa Yee, etc. And, also, who doesn't love geeks? :) This looks like such a good book!
You can win one of five copies!!
With illustrated interstitials from comic book artists Hope Larson and Bryan Lee O'Malley, Geektastic covers all things geeky, from Klingons and Jedi Knights to fan fiction, theater geeks, and cosplayers. Whether you're a former, current, or future geek, or if you just want to get in touch with your inner geek, Geektastic will help you get your geek on!
Now for the rules...
Instead of asking a question, to join all you have to do a comment, or if you want to spice it up, you can tell me how summer is going for you so far.
Isn't that just peachy? (love that word!)
For extra entriees just do this... (please use seperate comments and leave a CONTACT INFORMATION)
+1 Becoming follower (or already a follower)
+1 Adding this contest to your sidebar/blogging about it/facebooking it..etc. etc. anything publicity related just send me the link :D-You can have one for each thing you do just send the link
+1 Adding me to your blogroll (Or if you already have b4 that's ok too!)
+2 Get creative!! Make a button, or anything artisy/creative for this book and/or contest! Then send me the link~I want to see! :D
This contest is open to US and Canda only! [Srry International Readers!!] Also plz no P.O.
Boxes :)
Wdebo :)
Thanks to Little,Brown for hosting this contest!~
Cafe Chit Chat: Heather Beck
W: How do you come up with the ideas for your books? Are you a big fan of stories/fables/etc?
W: Are any of your characters based on someone you know?
W: What is your favorite thing to do (apart from writing)?
W: What's your favorite color?
2. An island survival almanac
3. My bf
4. An unlimited amount of pens and paper so I can record the stories which are inspired by the island and my experiences there
5. A phone with unbelievable range so I can keep in touch with family, friends, producers, publishers, and my manager.
W: Who are some authors you look up to?
W: I heard you got your first novel published at just 19!! Could you share your experience with young aspiring authors and share us some tips?
W: Since you are still a student at University, how do you balance school and writing? Is it really stressful?
W: What is your FAVORITE book in the world, the one that you think everyone should read before they die?
W: Finally, do you have anything else that you would like to say?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Random Entertainment Clips : 7
Part 1
Part 2
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday : 1

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Alex Nese Ni (倪子岡)
So, I can't find any info on him, other then he is an ABC [I believe]. And I can't post his pic up either!!
Well, here's his songs...
U Got Me (English Version)
Wdebo :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Check it out! Random Funny Commercial
Jiro is just ADORABLE!!
It talks about 7-eleven is having a beach concert and blah blah blah :D
Hm, so I think I'll have more random commercials floating around, just come check back often!!
Wdebo :)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
In My Mailbox 十一 (11)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
You Belong With Me-Taylor Swift
This song and MV are totally cute!! (Though FILLED with steryotypes and cliches but whateve).
Hope you guys enjoy!!
Wdebo :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
YEAH! I got more awards :)
Thanks to Arya!!
This blog invests and believes in the Proximity - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this clever-written text into the body of their award. (I'm too lazy..if you want it, it's yours ;) )
Blogs that receive the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers.
So my nominees are (In random order)...
1) Ella at The Clock Monkey (I send this one back to you!)
3) Marie at The Cupcake Witch
So now for the rules:

I got this one from Liyana.
Blogs that received the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers.
1) Ella at The Clock Monkey
2) Arya at A Sea of Pages
3) Marie at The Cupcake Witch
4) Bri at What Bri Reads
5) Diana at Stop, Drop & Read
6) TBB at The Book Brat7) Addicted Reader at Reviewabook123
8) Kayla at Midnight Twilight's Book Blog
1. Mention the person who nominated you. (Done :) )
2. List six unimportant things that make you happy
My dog-Shiao Hwa
Taiwanese Dramas
3. Tag six blogs, state the rules & notify them with a teeny comment on their blog.
1) Isa at Mixtures: Books...+
2) Letter Garden
3) Laina at Laina Has Too Much Spare Time
4) Lauren at Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf
5) Linna at Live Through Pages
6) Bookworm

Thanks to Liyana and Geneviere!
Now for the rules:
Again, too lazy, if you want it, here you go!
Wdebo :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Random Entertainment Clips : 6
Gui Hun By: Xiao Gui [He NGs the first time by singing the "Thai Version" of the song-then sings again-then gives tips for XG to sing, then takes away the mic, saying he was taking his girls, XG says something, then XZ says, these are all my girls, we even got married!! [It was a promotion thingy]]
Here is him making fun of XG's nasally sound when he sings. [But that is XG's unique sound]
Wdebo :)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
If the Witness Lied By: Caroline B. Cooney
Author: Caroline B. Cooney
Amount of Pages: 244
Publisher: Random House, Inc.
Release Date: May 12, 2009
Geared Towards: Teens +
Summary (From School Library Journal): Three orphaned teenage siblings, separated by the tragic supposed patricide of their father by their two-year-old brother, reunite a year later to save this same brother from the clutches of their evil aunt, who wants to sell them out on a tell-all television show. The plot involves a lot of aimless meandering around their small Connecticut town, the characters are unremarkable, and the title, of course, gives away the mystery, but, as with all of Cooney's novels, the joy is in readers being more clued in than the hapless characters. Thus every chapter, narrated alternately by each sibling, ends with a successful degree of suspense. Contemporary technology—texting, cell phone videos, digital photography, online bank accounts—plays a weighty role; initially the reliance upon them aids each character's unhealthy distance from one another, but by the conclusion, it has become the link between them, creating laughably miraculous resolutions at every turn. A Christian theme pervades as well, as the siblings each question their relationship with God as well as with one another, and inevitably resolve both issues simultaneously.
Wdebo's Review: I think the only Caroline B. Cooney book's I've read are The Face on the Milk Carton series. But I am just in love with them *heart*!
I set high expectations for this book, because I know that Caroline is a phenominal author, but I was disappointed that the book didn't reach my expectations. Don't get me wrong, this was a wonderful, book filled with thrillers (at the end, mostly). The beginning was boring and kind of confusing (Or maybe that was because I was distracted and in no mood to read...but that's beside the point :P ) I think she built up the setting too much, and should have dived into plot sooner.
When the action FINALLY started to happen, it was amazing, it was so great, it was can't-put-down-this-book-Until-I'm-Done awesome, but then...*boom* it was gone just like that. I expected the story to be longer then it was, seeing as how it took so long to get to the problems in the first place, but nope, the solution came faster then I ever believed it could come and then it ended. Sorta sad-making.
The characters were well developed, the most interesting person to read about was their "Aunt" and that was only because she was evil and you wanted to know what horrible things she would do next.
Um the cover seems to do this book no justice [I know the author doesn't pick the cover but the covers are the selling point of the book, and I have to comment on it] the yellow and the black are yucky and all in all, if I wasn't looking forward to reading this book, um, the cover would not sell me on reading it. (C+)
All in all, for die-hard Caroline B. Cooney fans you will love this story, others, um, it depends!
Grade: B+
Wdebo :)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Winners!! : Suite Scarlett
So, without futher ado, here is the winners, drumroll please!! *drumroll*
Thank you all for joining!! And hopefully I will have more contests for you all!!
Wdebo :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty By: Jody Gehrman
Saturday, July 11, 2009
開天窗 (Open Sky Window)-Mayday
It features Open 將 Taiwan's 7-11's Mascot, muy Kawaii.
Ah Shing is amazing as per usual! I just love this song and mv, it's so cute it makes me get cavitites. (Pearl Pink!)
Let's meet Open 將, here's just two commercials...
Wdebo :)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Living Dead Girl By: Elizabeth Scott
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wondrous Strange By: Lesley Livingston
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Ding Dang (丁噹)
Ding Dang named herself this name because she has a love for Doraemon [An AWESOME kid's animae about a robotic braniac cat, who's chinese name is Xiao Ding Dang].

Here are some songs by her....
可以不可以 (Can Cannot )..This is one of my fav songs by her and I think it Genie has a version too.
The mv is sad...The girl is really rich and she loves the guy (Monster from Mayday). Then her dad, says that since he loves her, he has to send her out of the country to study, and gives him money as "compensation," and tells Monster if they are fated they will meet again. The girl comes and looks for him they are in his room and then she goes away. When she comes back, she calls him, he's on his motorcycle, then he suddenly gets hit by a car and dies. Why did it have to end so suddenly??!!!
猜不透 (Can't figure it out)- It has 瑪莎 from Mayday
The MV is sad also, but I have zilch idea what it is saying.
走火入魔 (It means something like Going Crazy and like not being able to figure out reality from fantasy, but as Google Translate likes to call it and I quote "Getting Possessed By the Devil" )
This is a duet with Ah Shin from Mayday [Yes, as you prob figured out now D.D. is Mayday's "Shi Mei" - In eng litteraly means"song little sis"]-And may I say Ah Shin looks absolutely cute in it!! This is such a sweet song/MV