Monday, June 29, 2009
The Hunger Games By: Suzanne Collins
Sunday, June 28, 2009
In My Mailbox 十 (10)

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Whiteberry - 夏祭り
This is one of them (I can't read Japanese but the first word means summer in Chinese :P )
OMG they are HIGH SCHOOLERS but their voices ROCK!!
The MV is werid... lol
Wdebo :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Animal Farm By: George Orwell
Author: George Orwell
Amount of Pages: 97
Publisher: Plume (Part of Penguin Group)
Publishing Year (1st ever): 1946
Geared Towards: Adult
Summary: I think this quote sums it up quite nicely....
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear cloths.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal."
So now all you need is the background. The animals of Mr. Jones' farm, Manor Farm, are fed up with Jones' actions. So, with the pigs as the leaders they make up a plan to drive Mr/Mrs Jones out of the farm. When they succed all seems well, until the pigs start to act peculiar and slowly very slowly the seventh commandment is broken.
Wdebo's Review: I am NOT, I repeat, NOT, a fan of classics, I try to avoid them at all costs. But I had been making a deal with myself to read more classic books, so the very first one I start with is, Animal Farm. I did read 1984, and found the stoyline quite interesting Orwell has an interesting writing style but it did get boring. However, maybe it was because Animal Farm was so short, but I found it went by fast and held my attention a lot.
The storyline was very original, making you wonder if this could really happen. The reason I do like Orwell's books is because there is this sort of warning in them, making you cautious for the future. His writing was very good, the very first line is so simple, but for some reason, it held my attention fast. No fancy imagry, no fancy similes or metaphors like or anything like that.
"Mr. Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but
was too drunk to remember to shut the popholes."
The animals were very well developed. The pigs were very sly and cunning, the sheep dumb, the dogs were strong but dumb all the other animals were swayed easily with a simple "do you want Mr. Jones to come back."
I find the cover of classic books to be boring bland and put-off-y. This one was no exception. (I had a diffrent cover then the one in the picture...I like the one in the picture a whole lot more).
All in all, this is one amazing story that will take you on a giant ride and make you think long in hard during the whole time.
Grade: A-
Wdebo :)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Random Entertainment Clips : 5
This time, I decided to put out clips of Show and his date with his fan who has spinocerebella ataxia...I think these clips are super sweet and funny...check it out!
Part 1 ...
Part 2...
Part 3...
Part 4...
Part 5 (Last part)...
It's really rare to see a celebrity doing this for his fans, so I admire Show a lot for what he does.
Hope you enjoy it! And remember to comment!
Wdebo :)
P.S. Thanks so much to ooST1NAoo for these subbed clips! ~
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Debs By: Susan McBride
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Chosen One By: Carol Lynch Williams

Author: Carol Lynch Williams
Amount of Pages: 213
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publishing date: May 12, 2009
Geared Towards: Older Teens
Summary (From front flap): Thirteen-year-old Kyra has grown up in an isolated community without questioning the fact that her father has three wives and she has twenty brothers and sisters, with two more on the way. That is, without questioning them much-if you don't count her secret visits to the Ironton County Mobile Library on Wheels to read forbidden books, or her meetings with Joshua, the boy she hopes to choose for herself instead of having a man chosen for her.
But when the Prophet decrees that she must marry her sixty-year-old uncle-who already has six wives-Kyra must make a desperate choice in the face of the violence and her own fears of losing her family forever.
Wdebo's Review: I was so happy when I got this book today!! I totally loved it!!
The paragraphs were there but some were divided up so the writing was very hauntingly poetic. Kyra was an amazing character. Her voice was strong and allowed you to know what she wanted, I was very proud of her. She grew up in this enviorment, this was what she was used to, but she was able to throw that aside and fight for her freedom while other women near her just allowed whatever to happen happen and grumble silently alone.
It was nice to read a book where I could actually think and reflect on life. I wonder what life would be like to live in this culture, we take life for granted, we really need to think more about stuff like this, what would we do, I seriously have no idea what I would do if I was stuck in this kind of place, sure, I was pissed while reading this story (What a good book does to you-lets you hate what it wants you to hate, and love what it wants you to love). and decided I would do whatever it took to get out, but seriously if I grew up there, I probobly wouldn't do that and would just lay down and quietly take what was coming to me, I totally admire Kyra's strength and will.
My favorite character? Patrick, the bookmobile driver. He was such an amazing guy, he would risk his life to save a girl he barely knew, that my friends, is heroic.
The cover is very haunting (Like the book!) the picture has this "The Ring" thing going on and then the hot pink (which usually is muy pretty) but against her pale "Ring" skin, it's scary like some kind of unnatural blood, but I think it captures the essence of the book perfectly, such an amazing cover! Even though it does feel a bit elementary.
All in all, such an amazing book on such an important and contreversial topic. I seriously don't want to get into the topic too much, because if I do I can talk for HOURS about what I believe, which I don't want to do, because a lot of people have diffrent opinions, and it's boring and angry-making (Thanks Scott Westerfield for the gift of "Pretty talk"!) to read about ppl thinking of themselves as the rightest of the right people on a topic that you are against what they are saying.
Grade: A+
Wdebo :)
Songs listened to while writing review:
1 2 3 Mu Tou Ren By: High Volatage Pink [Part of Hey Girl!]
Shining Kiss By: Hey Girl!
Parody/Praise Song/Rap By: K One
Ting Bu Dong By: Mayday
Kai Tian Chuang (Ft. Open Jiang) By: Mayday
Contest: Win Suite Scarlett !!
Hello, ahh I'm so excited, you can win one of five copies of Suite Scarlett, now!! Here's some information about it....
"When Scarlett Martin turns fifteen she is put in charge of the Empire Suite, one of the rooms in her family’s hotel. Enter Mrs. Amberson, an aging C-list starlet who decides to employ Scarlett. Soon, she is taking dictation, running around New York City , and getting caught up in Mrs. Amberson’s crazy adventures. In the midst of it all, Scarlett falls in love–or so she thinks–and it takes Mrs. Amberson to help her see the light. Now in paperback from top-selling author Maureen Johnson!"
Doesn't it sound so good?
So here are my rules....
The contest ends July 13 (3 weeks!), so to enter all you have to do is answer this question...
So, isn't that easy?
For extra entriees just do this... (please use seperate comments and leave a CONTACT INFORMATION)
Sorry I just found out this is for people in the US only and please if you win, they don't want any P.O. Boxes. Thanks!!
+1 Becoming follower (or already a follower)
+1 Adding this contest to your sidebar/blogging about it/facebooking it..etc. etc. anything publicity related just send me the link :D-You can have one for each thing you do just send the link
+1 Adding me to your blogroll (Or if you already have b4 that's ok too!)
Songs listened to while making this post:
Bu De Bu Ai By: Wilber Pan ft. Xuan Zi
Marry Me Today By: David Tao ft. Jolin Tsai
You Are a Song in My Heart By: LeeHom ft. Selina
Sunshine Homeboy By: Jay Chou
Saturday, June 20, 2009
You Can Hear It- Jay Chou
Yeah! It's Eng Sub
I just think it's so funny he randomly takes a picture of a massivly making out couple and they don't even notice...
Wdebo :)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Cafe Chit Chat: Tanya Egan Gibson
I manage to read some fiction every day. I subscribe to something like seven or eight literary journals (even though I'm constantly behind on reading them) and have a huge to-read pile of novels on my nightstand.
W: Oh wow, and I thought school was stressful! How did you come up with the idea for How To Buy a Love of Reading? Were you a big reader as a kid?

2) Flint. (I have watched *way* too many episodes of Survivor in which people go on the show without knowing how to make a fire. This seems so weird to me. The *first* thing I would do if 3) I were chosen for such a show is learn to make a fire. And yes, I think about reality TV far too much, a preoccupation you could probably guess from some of the reality-TV material in my novel.)
5) Cell phone that works on island and allows us to be un-stranded within, say, three days. That's about all I can take of stranding.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Random Entertainment Clips : 4
Here is Xiao Gui and Gui Gui drunk (very funny!)-Eng Sub
XG tries to kiss XZ, misses then *gasp* -watch to find out! :D
Finally, here is Xiao Zhu immitating XG muy funny!
Wdebo :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What I Saw and How I Lied By: Judy Blundell
Author: Judy Blundell
Amount of Pages: 281
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Publishing Year: 2008
Geared Towards: Teens
Summary (From front flap): Some truths are never meant to be revealed.
When Evie's father returned home from World War II, the family fell back into its normal life pretty quickly. But Joe Spooner brought more back with him than war stories. When movie-star handsome Peter Coleridge, a young ex-GI who served in Joe's company in postwar Austria, shows up, Evie is suddenly caught in a complicated web of lies that she only slowly recognizes. She finds herself falling for Peter, ignoring the secrets that surround him...until a tragedy occurs that shatters her family and breaks her life in two.
As she begins to realize that almost everything she believed to be a truth was really a lie, Evie must get to the heart of the deceptions and choose between loyalty to her parents and feelings for the man she loves. Someone will have to be betrayed. The question is...who?
Wdebo's Review: I have always enjoyed reading books set in WWII period. They are very interesting. I did enjoy this book, it was slow in the beginning but it got progressivly better through the pages. The storyline went towards mysterious but it was pretty easy to guess what would happen at the end.
I was not the biggest Evie fan, she felt too naive and she wouldn't see the signs RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER!! But at least she got stronger *sorta* towards the end, her mom was strong, but then she did THAT and eh I wanted to punch her so much!!
But I did thouroughly enjoy the writing style. Judy Blundell's writing is very strong and leads you through the story quite well. The topic she wrote about was intense and very interesting to read about...but there was a part in the middle that was slow and annoying that I had to skip like 20 pages or else I would have died.
I like the cover the pose is pretty intriguing and the blackness does show off the story well, but I am not a big fan of the model, she scares me a lot.
The ending disappointed me a bit, it didn't feel like it fit that much, first this BIG thing happens then it ends small.
All in all, this is a pretty good book! I am sure most people will enjoy it, mysterious yeah!
Grade: B+
Wdebo :)
Songs listened to while writing this post:
You Belong With Me By: Taylor Swift
Love Story By: Taylor Swift
The Show By: Lenka
Dao Xiang By: Jay Chou
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Choc 7 (超克7)
The members include 李铨, Mao Di (Prince's little bro), Xiao Ma, Ah Ben, Ye Shou, 小禄, Wei Yu, 翰奖 and Ya Gao.
They are your typical taiwanese boy band ok voices, the only reason they are famous is for their looks, but I guess there is this aura around them.
Here is a song by them... What Are you Waiting For?
Another one...Too Young (This is such a cute song!)
Wdebo :)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Access Denied (and other eighth grade error messages)
Author: Denise Vega
Release date: July 1, 2009
Publisher: Little Brown and Co.
Geared Towards: Middle School +
Extra Info: This is the sequal to Click Here : (to find out how I survived seventh grade). Which I haven't just an FYI.
Summary (From B.O.B): Computer whiz Erin Swift is ready to start eighth grade. The Year of Humilitating Events (aka seventh grade) is behind her and she's ready to rule the school. But eigth grade comes with its own set of problems for Erin to navigate, including her first boyfriend, her first breakup, and the fact that her mom has been treating her more like an eight-year-old than an eighth grader. Even worse, there's a new girl at Molly Brown Middle School who is determined to remake Erin in her bad-girl image, and former crush Mark "Cute Boy" Sacks has been acting strange lately.
But as Erin's school year once against hurtles toward disaster, a personal tragedy forces her to realize that things, and people, aren't always as bad as they seem. Can she save waht's left of eighth grade before it's too late?
Wdebo's Review: I remember in Middle School seeing the first book on the library shelf and not reading it at all. But I still decided to read the sequal.
The reading was very light and sarcastic. I love the little website pages, they look cool! It's cool to see the "site" change as the story goes through changes.
I like the cover it's very light and cool, and cute. As was the story. I just have a question why are there a lot of pictures with the Shrinking Violet pose? The turtleneck over the nose and mouth.
The thing I can't stand is how these kids are in middle school yet they have high school problems. I don't remember having this type of problem in middle school! Erin and I had a love-hate relationship, she was cool in her way of how she was an average girl, not too popular not to0 un-popular. However, I hate how fickle she is, one moment she likes this guy, one moment she like another, then another. Also, she's so naive. While Jilly, her BFF, is a good friend, she is also a bad one from how she dumps Erin after every small bad thing that happens.
All in all, this was a light read, that was a great summer read, and all the ppl who were waiting for the sequal, I guess, will enjoy it.
Grade: B-
Wdebo :)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Longest Movie-Jay Chou
It is so sad..especially because YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END!!
Story: The little girl is blind and the little Jay is training to become a fighter. The little Jay is used to protecting the little girl. So, then one day the girl goes out of the country to get her eyes fixed and never comes back (i guess...not sure). Before leaving she gives him a pink hair tie. Then they grow up and Jay, who's a driver, sees her and she's a figure skater. Then one night he sees her in the parking lot and she's getting attacked by these "Chinese gangsters" (LOL love it when they always have these kinds of ppl in these mvs), he saves her, then he realizes that it's the same girl from his childhood. She asks to see the hair tie thing and realizes that it was the boy, then the dude cracks open the window then it ends..AHHH
Oh yeah and in the end it says "Yet, in the end, she still hasn't seen me"
Wdebo :)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Nana By: Ai Yazawa (Manga)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Winners: Twenty Boy Summer
So, the winners, drumroll please *drumroll*
All you have already been emailed!! Please reply within two days...or else I'll have to pick new winners :(
Thanks again for joining! And once I have another contest I hope all of you guys can join and win!
Wdebo :)
Songs listened to while writing this post:
Dong Mo Mo Xi Mo Mo By: Momo Jie Jie
Ke Yi Bu Ke Yi By: Ding Dang
Random Entertainment Clips : 3
With 戴愛玲 singing 千年之戀 (Show is muy funny but it feels like he's being more famous then XG when it's his moment :( -XG's question lol "This song is really high can you sing up?" )
With Fan Fan singing 愛情限時批 I like it sooo much!! Both of them sound realli good and it's very funny
Here's he is with Rainie singing Only Have Feelings for You by Fahrenheit ft. Hebe (From S.H.E) (They have so much chemistry, I guess that's what you get when you have dated)
Wdebo :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Twenty Boy Summer By: Sarah Ockler
Author: Sarah Ockler
Amount of Pages: 290
Publisher: Little Brown and Co
Publishing Date: June 1, 2009
Geared towards: Teens (14+)
Extra Info: This was an ARC, when released it was hardback/there was a diffrent amount of pages
Summary (From B.O.B):
"Don't worry, Anna. I'll tell her, okay? Just let me think about the best way to do it."
"Promise me? Promise you won't say anything?"
"Don't worry." I laughed. "It's our secret, right?"
According to her best friend, Frankie, twenty days to Zanzibar Bay is the perfect oppurtunity to have a summer fling, and if they meet one boy every day, there's a pretty good chance Anna will find her first summer romance. Anna lightheartedly agrees to the game, but there's something she hasn't told Frankie-she's already had this kind of romance, and it was with Frankie's older brother, Matt, just before his tragic death one year ago.
Wdebo's Review: When I first recieved this book, I was so excited to read it! All the great reviews sent shivers up my spine with excitment. When I started, I was like wow this book is so great! All the reviews were correct. But when I got to the death of Frankie, I was surprised, why the hell am I not crying? One thing you have to know about me is, I am the world's biggest cry baby. I cried at the end of Air Bud (haha I'm so embarassed), so naturally when I read that part, I was thinking Oh, red alert! Dead person! Bring on the tears! But when there was none, I just wondered why.
I guess all I can say was that I loved the storyline, the plot, the characters everything about the story was really good, but for some reason I just couldn't connect with the writing. Sarah Ockler did a good job building up the characters and the background (sorta). The prologue was one of the best I've read this year (props to Sarah for that!). After the death it just felt too hurried, they get to Cali, two days later she meets a guy who she falls IN LOVE with, and etc. etc. I always like these parts (finding the guy who closes up the gap left by the dead dude) to be left in the middle, it allows you to have an ability to sympathize with the character and build up to the climax when she turns around and finds this PERFECT guy standing next to her, reading to take her hand and protect her from this sadness. Like in The Tenth Circle.
Oh, wow I feel so negative, don't get me wrong, this was a pretty good book! All the other reviews were right about that, but for me all in all I couldn't connect with the writting.
On the other hand, the cover is just GORGEOUS, I love the heart, it's so simple and beautiful and the sea glass was prety and the red one, just one piece because it's so rare (more explanation in the story). One of my fav cover this year!
All in all, if you are looking for a good summer read check out this book!
Grade: B+
Wdebo :)
7 more days until the last day of school and counting...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Posh and Prejudice: A Diary of a Chav novel
Author: Grace Dent
Publisher: Little Brown and Company
Publishing Date: June 1, 2009
Geared towards: Teens
Extra info: I haven't read Diary of a Chav before, so please pardon me for any dumbness you might find in this review!
Summary (From B.O.B): The divine Shiraz Bailey Wood is back in this hilarious sequal to Diary of a Chav to enlighten us with her signature brand of madcap humor on her signature brand of madcap humor on her demented, glorious life in the gritty suburbs of London.
Chav (n): A word that makes most Brits think of hoodies, hip-hop, bling, and trouble. (It ain't agood fing, bruv)
At the end of the school year, sixteen-year-old Shiraz Bailey Wood isn't expecting increadible grades. But when her test results come in, she's astonished to discover not only that she passed them all, but that she's also actually clever! Emboldened by an invite to higher-level classes, Shiraz decides she can't waste her brainpower frying eggs for minimum wage at the greasy spoon Mr. Yolk. So even in spite of her mum's objections that it ain't her place, Shiraz enrolls in Superchav Academy's "Center of Excellence" to get even brainier.
Setting forth into the heady field of academia and hanging out with other boffin types seem like just the ticket to avoid getting stuck living like a chav forever in crappy Goodmayes, Essex. Smooth-talking lads with whopping allowances tempt her, but Shiraz has to figure out: Are these posh types really any better? Or maybe being a chav might not be all that bad-as long as it stands for charming, hillarious, articulate, and vibrant.
Wdebo's Review: I remember seeing Diary of a Chav on the Hatchette website and dying from wanting to read it so much. Then because I was so busy I forgot completly about the book and when I recieved this book, I couldn't wait to check out Diary of a Chav so I just dove in it.
The plotline was not hard to follow at all! Thank you god for sequals where they discribe what happens in the last book in the first part of the second book! At first the writing was hard to get into, a bunch of slang-British slang-made it so that I had to flip back and forth between the glossory (I love you glossories! <3) then I started to get the words without having to look them up and then it went much better after.
The writing was funny and light hearted. Cute and yet annoying at the same time. Shiraz is a very very biased person and reading from her point annoyed me some, but it was just a minor thing.
The guys she falls for...yeah all of them are so ugh. Weasley might be a sweetie, but he is a wimpy sweetie who decks out his cars (something I think is a total waste of money). He can just allow people to walk all over him *Spoiler Warning* like when Shiraz totally gets ditched by Joshua he comes crawling back totally forgiving her and pretending none of that happened. I guess most girls find that sweet but I just find it needy-can't you at least show SOME anger or other emotion? *End of spoiler warning* Also-now that I am on that subject, Joshua is ugh, I didn't even like him, even when he was nice to Shiraz he was still so Snape (From HP) oily.
I really don't like the cover. I hate attacking people for how they look on the outside, but her bangs annoy me and her eyes are scary. Ok, that was a stretch but that's all I can say before I go on a giant rant.
My fav character? Uma-defidently! Even though she is a "Chav" she is totally down to earth and real and not trying to become some booky person trying to win the love from the rich ppl.
All in all, this was a really good book! (I was quite surprised) I enjoyed it, it was a light read and great for me I guess. Shiraz is quite a great character. A very fun book (sorry if there seems to be a lot of negativity in my review it was honestly very good!)
Grade: B
Wdebo :)
8 days of school and counting...
Songs listened to while writing this review:
Yi Zhi Du Xiu (One Man Show) By: Show Luo
Lian Ai ING By: Mayday
Zhuo Huo Ru Mo By: Ah Shin (Mayday) ft. Ding Dang
Dao Xiang (The Fragrence of Rice)-eng subbed By: Jay Chou
愛情限時批 (Yu Le Bai Fen Bai) By: Fan Fan Ft. Xiao Gui
Monday, June 8, 2009
How To Buy a Love of Reading By: Tanya Egan Gibson
Author: Tanya Egan Gibson
Amount of Pages: 389
Publisher: Penguin Group
Publishing Date: May 13, 2009
Geared Towards: Adults (tho talking about teens)
Extra Info: This is an ADULT book but many teens have been reading it (Just to clear it up!)
I'm going to try to review it diffrently, tell me what you think!
Carley Wells is a rich, overweight, word hating teenage girl. When her english teacher, Mr. Nagel, asked her, "What is your favorite book?" She answered with a, "never met one I liked." Earning her anger from Mr. Nagel and her parents deciding to hire her a stay-at-home author who would create a story to her preferance.
Carley has no interest in this idea, for she has something else on her mind-Hunter Cay. Hunter is Fox Glen, her school's, resident golden boy, and also her best friend. Who is always there for her through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Hunter's parents are not very happy for they believe that Hunter being with Carley will make him look bad and make the name he made for himself go away. But Hunter has bigger problems (literally) then worrying about how his parents feel about his overweight best friend. After giving up his pill popping habits he digs himself deeply into a drunken hole.
The story is drawn together by other characters like her author, Bree, who can't write about love without making it metaphorical and not having any actual lerve. Also, Justin the egotistical writer (also my fav character) who is in love with Bree.
When I first saw this book I thought it was a catalogue for books or something. And once I read the summary, I was like "ok?" This is going to be one LONG book. When I started it, on the very first page I enjoyed it, thinking "Wow this book is PRETTY good" however once I started it I got bored then hated most of the characters. Once, I read more, like in the middle, and you meet and understood most of the characters I started to fall in love with the book.
The writing was very good, the ending made me cry. The writing was very unheld back, haha that's the only way I can think of describing it. No bonds, very brutal and straight-forward (in a good way).
I am not the biggest fan of this cover, it seems-eh yeah.
All in all, this book might be geared towards adults, but as long as you are a mature teen you can enjoy it, it might take a bit to get into it, but once you do it is such a good book!
Grade: A-
Wdebo :)
9 more days of school and counting...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Let it Snow: Three Holiday Romances
Author: John Green, Maureen Johnson & Lauren Myracle
Amount of Pages: 352
Publisher: Penguin Group
Publishing Year: 2008
Geared Towards: Teens
Beautiful preasents wrapped in ribbons, and multicolored lights glittering in the night through the falling snow. A Christmas Eve snowstorm transforms one small town into a romantic haven, the kind you only see in movies. Well, kinda. After all, a cold and wet hike from a stranded train through the middle of nowhere would not normally end with a delicious kiss with a charming stranger. And no one would think that a trip to the Waffle House through four feet of snow would lead to love with an old friend. Or that the way back to true love begins with a painfully early morning shift at Starbucks.
Thanks to three of today's best-selling teen authors-John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle-the magic of the holidays shines on these hilarious and charming interconnected tales of love, romance , and breataking kisses.
Wdebo's Review: Oh wow, three of the best YA authors one book! (Though I only know two of them, but not important). I thought all the stories were super cute! The Jubile Express By: Maureen Johnson, A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle By: John Green & The Patron Saint of Pigs By: Lauren Myracle. I loved how all of them were connected together, during the very first story I didn't know this so when it ended I cried a bit thinking how it was sad it ended just like that, in just 100 pages. But then during the second I understood and got really happy, because yeah they connected together!
The stories were all very good considering each author only had around 100 pages to draw out a story and draw pictures, create plot/storyline/problems/etc. in just 100 pages.
Each stories were all very cliche but give you a very warm feeling like drinking hot chocolate on a cold *June* day. Aw I miss winter now, but I guess I don't want it to be winter cuz only a few more days until summer vacation and winter means no summer vacation :(
I think the cutest character is Stuart, (in first story) he is such a sweetie!!
The cover is cute, I like it and the gloves are muy red and comfy looking.
All in all, if you are looking for a warm, cliche, sweet book, read Let it Snow NOW!!
Grade: B
Wdebo :)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
How Do You Do - Cascada
Just watch it becuase of how cute and hot he looks :D
Wdebo :)
Friday, June 5, 2009
Author Interview: Beth Fantaskey
Wdebo: Can you describe a typical day?
Beth: I'm usually good for six snooze alarms, to start with – and that’s no exaggeration! When I DO wake up, if it's a workday, I try to put in a full day at my desk. I start by clicking on some free donation sites, like, just to get the day going in the right direction. Then I pretty much get down to the business of writing, with either Pandora or the local college radio station playing in the background and a Diet Coke always on the desk. I am really a creature of habit!
W: Music always helps me too! How did you get the idea for "Jessica's Guide..."? Did you have to do any research for it?
My kids are adopted, and we sometimes wonder what their biological parents were like. I took that to the extreme with Jessica's Guide, by imagining Jess’s birth parents as incredibly different and unique. I had to research some of the math-related things, since math is NOT a good subject for me, and I looked up a lot of information on Romania, too. For example, I checked out a lot of recipes for the part where Jess tries to cook Lucius dinner. You really can substitute tarragon for 'minced levistan.'
W: Haha yep. Are any of your characters based on real people you know?
B: Nope... not in any conscious way. Although my sister is very rational, like Jess. I probably drew on that.
W: I hear you love to travel the world, but are fearful of flying how do you get over that? Do you travel on a plane often?
B: Flying is one of my gazillion phobias, and I’m definitely not over it. One of my friends refuses to fly with me, ever again, because I squeezed her leg so hard on an eight-hour flight to Italy that she could hardly walk the next day! I do fly pretty often, though, because it’s always worth it, to see a new place. (Well, maybe my friend wouldn’t agree that it’s worth it…)
W: What's your favorite color?
B: Peach - like that mix of pink and orange you see in great sunsets
W: Yeah! Did you notice to color scheme of the post? (It's peach-y) If you were stranded on an island and could only bring 5 items what would you bring?
B: I'm guessing I can't say "Manhattan" as one big item, so I'm going to say a rocking chair, a copy of The Pickwick Papers, my iPod (if we overlook the battery problem...), a picture of my family, and a Big Gulp cup with a long, long hose, hooked directly to the Diet Coke dispenser in a 7-Eleven back home.
W: Haha that would be SOO awesome to have! What authors do you look up to?
B: I am a big fan of the writers of the classics, especially Dickens, Dumas, Austen and Melville. Not only did they write amazing stories, but they did it with pens. And not even ballpoints! I’d still be on chapter five of my first book!
W: I probobly wouldn't even get through the first five pages :P Can you tell me more about your new book "Jekell Loves Hyde"?
B: It’s about two teenagers, Jill and Tristen, who gradually discover that they share a mysterious – and possibly dangerous – connection to the old novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. As they work against the clock to unravel the mystery, they become more attracted – and dangerous – to one another… That’s the gist, without giving too much away!
Thanks so much Beth!
And don't forget to check out Beth's website HERE
Wdebo :)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Twitter + Wdebo = ?
My Twitter? You may ask. Well it's here!
Wdebo :)
Random Entertainment Clips : 2
Part 1
Part 2
Hope you enjoy it! And remember to comment!
Wdebo :)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Soler is comprised of two twin brothers- Dino Acconci (guitar/vocals) and Julio Acconi (Lead vocals). They debuted in 2005 and write their own songs and are acclaimed for their live performances.
The brothers were born in Macau to an Italian father and a Karen mother. They learned Chinese at a local Chinese school and later went to live in Italy.
Both of them can speak 7 languages!!
They sing mostly in Canto so I have no idea what they are singing but they still sound REALLY good :D
Here is a coolio song by them... Lost (Plus eng sub)
Also, Tsunami (Eng sub)
Hope you enjoy! And remember to comment especially if you loved them!
Wdebo :)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Kiss of Life: A Generation Dead Novel
Author: Daniel Waters
Amount of Pages: 410
Publisher: Disney Book Group (Is this right?)
Publishing Year: 2009
Geared Towards: Teens-And paranormal romance lovers
Extra Info: It is the sequal to Generation Dead (Click here for review)
Also: Visit Tommy's blog !
Summary: (From the front flap) The phenomenon that's been sweeping the country seems to be here to stay. Not only are the teenagers who have come back from their graves still here, but newlydeads are being unearthed all the time. While scientists look for answers and politicians take their stands, the undead population of Oakville have banded together in a group they're calling the Sons of Romero, hoping to find solidarity in segregation.
Phoebe Kendall may be alive, but she feels just as lost and alone as her dead friends. Just when she reconciled herself to having feelings for a zombie -- her Homecoming date Tommy Williams -- her friend Adam is murdered taking a bullet that was meant for her. Things get even more confusing when Adam comes back from the grave. Now she has romantic interest in two dead boys; one who saved her life, and one she can't seem to live without.
Wdebo's Review: I was so excited to begin reading this book! I was dying (haha) to know what happened after that big cliffhanger from Generation Dead. It picks up right from where Gen Dead left off.
I liked the story a lot, it still felt very strong, whereas a lot of sequals seem to get weaker because they just feel like add-ons. The storyline was good, except I felt that Phoebe was just using Adam, but I was quite satisfied with the ending, except it was ANOTHER cliffhanger! Daniel Waters better write a third book and fast, I really want to know what happens to everyone!
I think I like Adam the best he's so sweet and kind to Phoebe except when he thinks he has to push her away. I don't like Tommy that much he's, eh, I don't know how to say, I just don't really like him.
I think the cover is pretty good, but Phoebe looks creepy (black hair doesn't suit her... But then again the blond on Gen Dead was weird too...I think I'm way too picky huh?) Maybe if she had a diffrent haircut it would have looked better. And the graves in the back were pretty chessy but still gives a good effect, also I know Phoebe is goth, but WHY IS SHE SO PALE? I mean she is PALER then ADAM who is the ZOMBIE in this equation!!! And why the hell does he have a tan??!!!!! It was quite unnerving. Even though he is v good looking.
All in all, for all those who were breathlessly waiting for the sequal of Gen Dead, you will not be disappointed!
Grade: B-
Wdebo :)