Chinese Title: 愛就宅一起 (Ai Jiu Zhai Yi Qi)
Other Titles: Superstar Express
Language: Chinese (Mandarin)
Amount of Episodes: 12
Opening Song: 越來越愛 (Yue Lai Yue Ai/Loving More and More) By: Fahrenheit [Click HERE to listen english subbed]
Closing Song: 默默 (Mo Mo/Silently) By: Fahrenheit [Click HERE to listen english subbed]
Starring: Rainie Yang [Click HERE for TTS] as Chen Mo Mo, Jiro Wang (Fahrenheit) as Mars/Zhuang Jun Nan, George Hu as Wei Jia Sen and Linda Liao as Chen Chu Chu.
Reccomended For: Teens
"Why are you gazing at me like that? Be careful of falling in love with me"
Summary: Mars is a superstar whose popularity has plummeted from all of the negative publicity he has recieved. Having no money and having been kicked out of his house, he ends up having to rent a very cheap room from Chen Mo Mo and her sister. Chenn Mo Mo is a homegirl who's only interest is in Prince Kasaba. At first, they develop a mutual disdain for each other but are unable to distance themselves for each other because Mars has been put into her university and their living arrangement does not make it very easy to not see each other. After while, they start becoming friends and soon start falling for each other, exciting Mo Mo's sister and angering her friend Jia Sen, a swim captain with the intellegence of an eight year old.
Wdebo's Review: When I first heard of ToGetHer, I did not want to watch it at all, the drama recieved very low ratings and the summary seemed really boring. After seeing all of that, I forgot the drama for about a year, and just a week ago I decided to watch it because I was really bored. From the first minute I started to watch it I was hooked. ToGetHer was one of the most addicting, hillarious, sweet and cute dramas ever.
The drama was very simple and cute. I don't know why but it was just so great and made me very happy. The characters are all very loveable in their own ways except for these mean girls and this one really mean guy, but apart from that, I loved everyone :) I absolutely loved the ending too...I pretty much died from the sweetness it had...super cute!!
Jiro's character was awesome...maybe it's because Mars is very Jiro-like but Jiro's acting was very natural and hillarious and cute. Rainie was awesome, except Mo Mo gets kind of emo at times so it's quite annoying but she's still awesome. George's character was so cute, George is super cute. I felt very bad for George's character the whole time, I really wished he would get someone :(
Oh yeah, but my favorite...FAVORITE character is Mu Mu (姆姆) (So cute!!)

I want one so unnaturally badly but they are very expensive :(
All in all, a wonderful drama that is sure to make you happy and well Jiro is in it and he is, well, amazing =] so that is a great incentive to watch the drama.
Grade: A++
Wdebo :)
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