Friday, November 7, 2008

The Last Exit to Normal By: Michael Harmon

Title: The Last Exit to Normal

Author: Michael Harmon


Amount of Pages: 273

Difficulty: Easy

Reccomended for: Ages 14 and up

"The second he'd said 'I'm gay,' he'd been the one to leave. Let the chips fall where they may. I am who I am. I hadn't set this up, he had. He'd screwed our lives up and once mom was gone, he'd spent three years fobbing me off on other people and expecting them to fix our problems."

Summary: 14 year old Ben Campbell's life was turned upside down when his father "came out"- as in he told his family he was gay. That was the time when his mother walked out on them, not bothering to look back. Three years past, with Ben rebelling more and more, from the punk look to his pot smoking, Ben is going in a downward spiral to rock bottom. Then his dad and Edward, "the boyfriend", decide to take Ben to live with them on Edward's old hometown which just so happens to be in the middle of nowhere. So begins the story of our hero's journey through sorting everything out, from Kim to the angry women he has to live with. And *gasp* will we finally see a guy let out his feelings?

Wdebo's Review: This book was witty and charming. I totally feel in love with Ben's character, on the outside he seems like someone who doesn't care about life and whatever happens to him, but you can totally tell that he is hurt and affected by everything that happens to him. When I was reading the acknowledgments, I thought it was so sweet that he named the main girl, Kimberly, after his wife. (Just a fact) anyways, I would reccomended this book to anyone, I don't think that the refrence to being gay should stop you from reading this book, it is so good, and I think this should be one the list of books you should read before you die.

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