Author: Matt Myklusch
Amount of Pages: 480
Release Date: August 3, 2010
Publisher: Aladdin (Simon & Schuster)
Geared Towards: Middle Grade (Mainly boys)
From: Publisher
"'If you want to go to the Imagine Nation, there's one very important rule. You have to believe in it first.'"
Summary: Jack Blank feels absolutely miserable at St. Barnaby's Home for the Hopeless, Abandoned, Forgotten, and Lost. He is picked on by his fellow students and even teachers for being "weird," he knows nothing of his past, not even his last name, and he feels this feeling of not belonging anywhere he goes. Jack escapes to the world of comic books (Which are banned at St. Barnaby's).
One day, while sneaking in some reading time of one of his comics, Jack is caught. After that two things happen that take him away from St. Barnaby's and into the land of Imagine Nation to his new found powers. And to a nw found danger that he might just be the cause of.
Wdebo's Review: When I first got Jack Blank I didn't think I would like it at all, Middle Grade Guy Books aren't exactly on the top of my list of "Most Loved Categories!" But after I read the first few pages I really started to enjoy the book, which surprised me immensly.
Jack Blank was very good and very addicting. There is this sense of adventure that fills the book that appeals to younger readers and also the young at heart, and even teens (Cause we all need some adventure huh? ;) ) The imagination/comic book-ness was wonderful too...The superheros are some people that we all look up to and wish we could become so reading about superpowers is so fun and addicting. And Jack's power is very interesting and novel to say the least. Great idea from Matt!!
However, the imagination made the book seem so unrealistic that I thought at any time Jack would just wake up and be "Oh it was just a dream." But it didn't, the ending was actually very well written, I really liked it (I didn't see it coming at all), there were a lot of twists and turns which = great!
I liked the character of Jack he is timid like myself, but he also has courage that most 12 year olds don't have, he has this strength about him which is very nice to read about. And I love how all the characters grown and mature together.
Cafe Cover Chat: Not really the fondest of covers like that...seeing as how I am a total judge-the-book-by-its-cover girl...I wouldn't read it for its cover, which is a pity because the book is really good. (B-)
All in all, though at first glance it seems to just be a book geared towards middle grade boys it is much more then that...the feeling of wanting to belong and adventure can appeal to readers of all ages and demographics.
Grade: A-
Wdebo :)
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