Author: Joanna Philbin
Amount of Pages: 276
Publisher: Poppy
Release Date: November 2, 2010
Geared Towards: Teens
Extra Info: This is the second book of The Daughters series.
From: Publisher (Review Copy)
"I'm back, she thought as she headed toward the subway. I am so very, very back."
Summary (From B.O.B): After leaking a story about the family business, impetuous high school freshman Carina Jurgensen is cut off by her billionaire father. Always resourceful, she fibs her way into a job as a party planner for New York's annual Silver Snowflake Ball. But when Carina finds out that the party committee expects favors and freebies from her dad's A-list connections, she must make a choice. Does she get real about her downgraded status or pretend she's still the ultimate heiress?
Wdebo's Review: When I first started I wasn't sure how easy it would be for me to get into the story since I had not read the first book in the series but once I started it was easy to understand exactly what was happening. Though when I first began, I really enjoyed it (Most likely because I was also reading Lord of the Flies on the side and The Daughters Break the Rules was a good escape from the depressing-making object that was LOTF); however, as the novel progressed I quickly found myself though liking the storyline which was fun to read, but I found myself hating it also because of the characters, mainly Carina Jurgensen, and hating a main character does not make reading enjoyable.
The writing was good, it was clean, it was crisp and fun (I realized I'm going to use that word a lot, just warning you all :) ) Though it did not wow me at all, it was enjoyable. And the story was interesting to read about, I know I personally a small *cough* part of me has always wanted to be rich and it was cool to see the "life" of a rich girl and the people around her. As entertaining as it was from the beginning onwards I found the storyline to be too rushed. Everything flashed by quickly, there was an element of fickleness especially prominent in the beginning that I wasn't too keen about.
As stated above, I disliked Carina very very much. She is not the first rich teenager I have read a story about so it was not her snobby-ness that bothered me, she actually wasn't that snobby she was just totally childish and she was also in denial about her childishness so she kept saying things about how she was grown up and mature and not like all of the other rich kids her age, but she obviously had no idea what she was talking about. And even when she matured in the story she still annoyed me. It was most likely because even though they were high schoolers they still acted like total children, when I was first reading the book I thought they were elementary schoolers because they seemed so childlike. And all of the other characters seemed unreasonable and were unlikeable to me.
Cafe Cover Chat: I think the cover is cute in the innocent/childlike way. (B-)
All in all, though I was not a big fan of this novel for stated reasons above, those who have read and enjoyed the last novel will probably enjoy it more than I had.
Grade: C+
Wdebo :)
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Sorry to hear about this character. That does sucks when you don't connect with a character or not liking them at all.