Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Coming Soon: Battle Royale

Long time no see! Just a short post to tell you all that I posted a review on Goodreads for Rock On: A Story of guitars, gigs, girls and a brother (not necessarily in that order) and I will be posting it onto my blog soon-ish :)

Also, as the title states, the most important part of this post is to tell you all of my new discovery....Battle Royale! Yesterday (while procrastinating on studying for my chemistry exam), I came across a video comparing The Hunger Games and Battle Royale and I was very intrigued to see just what types of similarities could get certain people to cry foul that Suzanne Collins had stolen her ideas from another source.  And I was instantly hooked when I read the premise for BR.

Anyways, when I do get around to reviewing BR I will be keeping HG out of it. I personally do see many of the similarities presented in both works; however, they both shine in their own ways and I want each one of them to soak up the praises without the other one taking away some of the glory.

My BR status is that I have finished the movie version....

I am currently reading the manga version (I just started today and am on like chapter 7...I'll probably be done during summer break :) )

And I will start the novel version ASAP =]

Have any of you read/watched Battle Royale before? And if so, what are your thoughts on it? 

Wdebo :)

Edit: (May 5,2012) I have finished Battle Royale (Manga) and the second movie and will be posting a review soon-ish :)


  1. I have read both the manga and the novel, and I LOVED them!
    Honestly, the novel is just so... I don't have the words to describe it.
    In my opinion it's better than the Hunger Games, because BR has lots of action AND psychological reasoning behind practically every character involved.

    I am indescribably happy that HG became a movie (even if Robert Pattinson is going to play Finnick), but now it's not very likely that the US will have an American adaptation of BR, even though Hollywood acquired the rights years ago... sigh.

    I suppose the point of this comment is to say that you made a VERY VERY good choice when you picked up a copy of Battle Royale. :3

  2. Congratulations on reading Battle Royale. I have a copy and it's really stylish (totally agree with what Melissa above said about the "psychological" components too :P

    Wow, now I have to go pick up the manga and film too. Hardcore!


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